What's included?
Cost: Member – £320.00 + VAT
Introduction to the course
If you’re looking to expand your electrical competency to encompass portable appliances, then this is the course for you.
Although aimed primarily at electricians looking to expand their range of expertise, this course is open to anyone looking to get into PAT testing work.
The Health & Safety Executive state that 25% of all reportable electrical accidents involve portable appliances.
Developing your skills to encompass these portable appliances is a great way to expand the range of work you are able to carry out.
PAT testing is a particularly useful string to add to any electrician’s bow. The Health and Safety at Work Act (1973) places a legal responsibility on employers, suppliers, and hirers etc, to implement a regular programme of maintenance, inspection and testing, generating a wealth of opportunities for those qualified to carry them out.
Entry Requirements
- IET Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection & Testing of Electrical Equipment
- Your own test equipment and in date calibration certificate (we can provide test equipment if required)
Course Requirements – No prerequisites.
Course Content
- The legal requirements
- Definition or portable/transportable equipment
- Assessing the frequency of testing
- Who can and should carry out the inspection and testing
- The notion of competency
- Health and safety executive guidance notes and other publications
- Appropriate British standards
- Employers safety policy documents
- Any other relevant safety standards
- Regular updating and training
- Relevant experience of electrical work
- Specific experience of portable appliance testing
- Experience of using test equipment
- Knowledge of possible hazards and how to avoid them i.e. from direct & indirect contact
- Ability to recognised when it is (or isn’t) safe for work to continue
- Experience of the type of equipment being tested
- Adequate knowledge of hazards related to the site
- Ability to correctly interpret the results
- Experience of assessing the frequency of future tests
- Adequate supervision or training to counter any deficiencies in the above
Summary of tests for portable appliances
- Visual inspection
- Essential Tests
- Optional test
- The legal Requirements
- Suggestions for establishing a register
- Equipment identification number
- Serial Number
- Description of appliance, ratings etc
- Location
- Period between tests